Elon Musk has come storming onto the MAGA scene in recent weeks, showing up at MAGA events, loudly (almost too much so) praising Trump and generally working hard to ingratiate himself with MAGA supporters.
by Kevin Seraaj, OrlandoAdvocate.com
In America, people who donate large sums to political campaigns are at least hopeful that the candidate will be responsive to their needs. People who donate millions, though, are not inclined to rest on hope. They want access. Whether access is promised favored treatment in government spending, clout to be wielded on behalf of friends, or a high position in government, no one spends millions of their own money in any election cycle without an expectation of something in return. And as the picture accompanying this post clearly shows, Musk isn’t content being a behind-the-scenes player.
So what exactly is Elon Musk buying? What might “access” look like to Elon Musk?
Despite how smart Trump believes he is, Musk is much, much smarter. Kind of like a checkers “master” playing a chess master. No competition. Trump gave Musk a speaking role at his campaign rally, allowing the tech billionaire an opportunity to push his views in a highly charged atmosphere. That might prove to be a mistake.
Don’t expect Musk to talk electric cars, space travel or cryptocurrency to MAGA supporters. The more Trump gives him access to his base, and the more his rhetoric mimics that of Trump, the more MAGA supporters will see him as the next incarnation of the former president.
Maybe the word for today is pessimism, but I look for Musk to exploit the vulnerability that is Trump’s ultimate weakness— his unfounded, unjustified egotism.