Dissolution of Marriage – Osceola County

We will publish your Notice of Action in Dissolution of Marriage for four consecutive weeks. We have reduced our regular price of $320 to $160 for non-attorneys. If you fill out the form and pay online you pay only $110. THIS PRICING IS ONLY POSSIBLE BY REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF TIME WE ACTUALLY SPEND WORKING ON YOUR MATTER.

Our online process is completely automated. Fill out the form appearing below and submit your payment when requested.   We use PayPal as our payment processor.  You will receive an automated reply email, your Notice will be published beginning the next issue date, and you will receive an Affidavit of Publication 4 weeks later, when the ad has finished running.

You will only hear from us two more times– once to let you know your Notice has begun running, and when we send you our Affidavit of Publication.

We are pleased to be able to help.

Use this form for actions filed in Osceola County. For the other counties we serve, select one of the following:

Use THIS FORM for Orange County
Use THIS FORM for Seminole County

Coupon code (optional):
