Black Christians, Muslims Unite Around Burned Churches


WASHINGTON — In the last week of June, as the nation was still mourning and mulling over the massacre at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C., seven other Black churches across the South went up in flames.

Solidarity came out of the ashes.

Since July 2, the Respond With Love campaign has raised more than $66,000 and counting toward rebuilding the churches. The Muslim-led fundraiser is a joint effort between Ummah Wide, a global digital media storytelling organization for and by young Muslims; MuslimARC, which combats racism within the Muslim diaspora; and the Arab American Association of New York.

As the reports of the fires spread to the masses, Chicago resident Faatimah Knight and her friend David Craun, founder and executive director of Ummah Wide, felt they had to do something. They began a fundraiser on, hoping to raise $10,000 to contribute to a general outpouring. Over the next day, Knight, Craun, and leaders of the other groups teamed up.

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