Independent Women’s Forum Establishes National Energy Appreciation Day

This small rooftop wind turbine from Nertherlands-based start-up The Archimedes can generate 1,500 kilowatt-hours of energy each year, which would account for about 15% of the typical American household's annual energy needs.

Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), in an effort to recognize the importance of America’s domestic energy industry and celebrate the men and women who make it work, spearheaded the formal establishment of National Energy Appreciation Day (NEAD) by working with members of Congress, industry leaders, and coalition partners. NEAD will be observed annually on October 4. IWF’s Center for Energy and Conservation (CEC), upon leading the charge in celebrating energy’s vital role, will be announcing additional initiatives to honor the men and women who power America’s innovative energy sector.

by Frank Butler,

Inspired by how America’s modern energy system has made American lives and economic opportunity so much better, and concerned that the U.S. oil and gas industry has been needlessly attacked, jeopardizing our energy security and economic growth, Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) and Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) have introduced a bicameral resolution to designate National Energy Appreciation Day.

The resolution, purposed to “build awareness of the important role that the energy producers of the United States play in reducing poverty, strengthening national security, and improving the quality of life for people around the world,” emphasizes the economic benefits of energy and the impact that industry has on jobs.

“Today on National Energy Appreciation Day, we celebrate the miners, engineers, rig hands and all others who are working each and every day to power our nation,” Barrasso said in a news release.

The American energy industry accounts for more than 7 million jobs and ultimately supports more than 10 million jobs across the United States, the release said.

Federal oil and natural gas leases for offshore development brought in more than $22 billion for the federal government in 2022, and the U.S. oil and natural gas industry generates nearly $1.8 billion in gross domestic product annually.

Coal, oil and natural gas represent 80% of the world’s daily energy needs, while nuclear makes up 8%. The remaining 12% is made up of a variety of renewables such as hydro, biomass, wind, and solar. Environmental activists oppose fossil fuels because of their environmental costs: the releasing of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

Equally– if not more– important, fossil fuels are non-renewable. They will run out or not be replenished– maybe in our lifetime, maybe not. But based on our current use, the BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020 estimates that there is approximately :

  • 139 years of coal reserves (about 1074 billion tons);
  • 48.8 years of natural gas (188,100 billion tons);
  • 53.5 years of oil (244.4 billion tons).‍

Consider Rhee numbers in light of the fact that most in the scientific community agree that it took millions of years for the earth to accumulate these fuels.

There is little dispute today that burning fossil fuels harms the environment. Pro-fossil advocates like The Center for Energy and Conservation, however, say it is important to understand that the standard of living we enjoy in America depends on a mix of energy inputs. Appreciation Day celebrates the people who make possible these things that we take for granted.

Congressman Jeff Duncan said, “We are blessed to live in a country where, except for rare occasions, when we flip a switch, the lights turn on. The United States energy mix is truly reflective of an all-of-the-above approach. We should set aside a time to appreciate how coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar, hydro, and all other sources of energy work together to heat our homes, keep the lights on, and power the robust economy that enables us to enjoy a high standard of living.”


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