Prices– Legal Advertising

Newspaper Publication Day: Friday
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, noon
If deadline is missed, ad will run in the next Friday’s issue.
Affidavit of Publication is included in the quoted price

Notice Type   Insertions Price Pro Se (Non-attorney)
Family Law – Adoption   4 240 120
Family Law – Custody 4 240 120
Family Law – Dissolution 4 320 160
Family Law – Name Change 4 240 120
Businerss – Fictitious Name 1 50 35
Probate – Notice of Action 2 120 90
Probate – Notice to Creditors 2 180 100


Standard Display MonthlyAd SizeHome Page
Post Injection
(3 Categories)
Leaderboard ATF728×90368.00——–
Large Rectangle300×250198.00178.00
Leaderboard BTF728×90278.00238.00