CFO Jimmy Patronis Announces arrest of Miami Man for Pocketing $60,000 in Fake Insurance Premiums from Commercial Truckers

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MIAMI, Fla. – Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Jimmy Patronis announced the arrest of Kenny Niebla, owner and operator of Andoba Trucking Company and Sea Trucking in Hialeah, for allegedly selling fraudulent insurance coverage with certificates of insurance totaling nearly $60,000 to three local commercial truckers. 

Patronis called Niebla’s actions put other drivers at serious financial risk.

“Pocketing insurance premiums for your own financial gain is despicable. It puts the victim in the dangerous position of going without proper insurance coverage, and puts unsuspecting drivers in a financially risky position. If you choose to commit fraud to make a quick buck, my office will find you and make sure you pay the price.” 

Investigators revealed that Niebla had been collecting monthly insurance premium payments from three victims spanning between October 2017 and June 2018. Records indicated that Niebla had received $59,675 in premium payments from which were never applied towards any insurance policy as promised. Niebla instead kept the funds for his own self gain and as a result, the commercial vehicles were unknowingly being operated uninsured.

The scheme was discovered when one of the commercial trucks was involved in an accident causing over $78,000 in uninsured damage. 

Niebla was arrested without incident on November 30, 2018 and transported to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center on several counts of grand theft, insurance funds diversion, uttering forged instruments, and organized scheme to defraud.  If convicted on all counts, he faces up to 20 years in prison. 

Author Profile

Jeff Atwater is an avid fisherman and boating enthusiast. He is particularly interested in the environment and how to keep the planet safe.