School Board’s Philanthropic Strategic Plan Reviewed


At an Orange County School Board Work Session Thursday, Apr. 21, 2016, the  Board reviewed the Philanthropic Strategic Plan and Policy BEDH.

As a government entity, OCPS can accept charitable contributions. The Philanthropic Strategic Plan process identifies and funds district needs through those charitable contributions. As of April 2, 2016, over $4.6 million more in commitments were secured, bringing the total since rollout to over $21.1 million.

The School Board and Foundation Board previously approved the addition of “Supporting Success After OCPS” as an additional focus area to current initiatives. The Philanthropic Development team will unveil branding for this area to the public. Initiatives supported by philanthropic investments include:

  • Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten
  • Licensed Nurses
  • Literacy Tutoring for At-Risk Students
  • Read2Succeed and Middle School Morning Book Clubs
  • Access to STEM
  • City Year Orlando
  • Suspension Centers
  • Phillips Charities School Certification

This is not in place of what individual schools within OCPS can continue to pursue, on their own, within their communities.

School Board members also reviewed Policy BEDH which provides the public with an opportunity to address the School Board on matters not on the agenda for an upcoming school board meeting. This pilot program was for the duration of five school board meetings from Feb. 9 thru Apr. 26, 2016. School Board members agreed to continue with the pilot program until policy is revised with suggestions that were discussed at today’s work session.      

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