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New York
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Kevin Seraaj

1353 POSTS

Courtroom Erupts After CPD Detective Found Not Guilty In Fatal Shooting Of Unarmed Woman – in Chicago?

Cook County Judge Dennis Porter stared out across his packed courtroom Monday and offered a warning to anyone prone to emotional outbursts: “It might...

Why We Let Prison Rape Go On

ORANGE, Conn. — IT’S been called “America’s most ‘open’ secret”: According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, around 80,000 women and men a year...

Additional Financial Support for Alice Flower Parent Abuse Bill Needed

Alice Slaughter-Flowers and her daughter, Tiffany Kelly, returned home from Tallahassee this week, extremely delighted with the support they received from many of the...

Dr. Sanjay Gupta: It’s time for a medical marijuana revolution

CNN-- I see signs of a revolution everywhere. I see it in the op-ed pages of the newspapers, and on the state ballots in nearly...

10 diseases where medical marijuana could have impact

By Jen Christensen, CNN (CNN) Dr. Sue Sisley noticed an unexpected trend among her patients. The psychiatrist works with veterans who struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder,...

Kevin Seraaj

1353 POSTS