Building A Political Consensus with A Black United Front

This is a photo of Roger Caldwell, an NNPA columnist and long-time contributor to the Advocate
Roger Caldwell is an NNPA Columnist and a long-time contributor to the Advocate

“What we are much more likely seeing is a deepening disappointment with the Democratic Party among Blacks,” according to the Black Commentator, an analysis from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies.

With the election of President Donald Trump, Blacks in America have become invisible, and there are 34 Republican governors, 15 Democratic governors, and 1 independent governor. The majority of legislators in these red states are primarily Republican, and Democrats are disorganized and dysfunctional.

There are many questions in 2017, if Donald Trump is a true Republican. But the Republicans carry on in the tradition of the Ku Klux Klan, and their Southern political ancestors who suppressed the Black vote, and kept Blacks from registering to vote.

As voter polls shrink for many Republicans in key states, the GOP will be forced to use many different shenanigans to remain in power. Trump won the election in 2016 with the Electoral College, but loss the popular vote by about 3 million. In 2018, there will be no tactic too low for Republicans to use to win in local, state, and federal elections.

“Still there is no tactic too extreme or too low for the Republican Party to try if they can get away with it. These extend beyond the already unacceptable restrictions on voter and registration ID, shorter voting hours, eliminated weekend voting, reduced or eliminated early voting, reduced or eliminated absentee voting, and eliminated same day registration,” says Adalia Woodbury from Politicus USA.

In the upcoming 2018 election, Republicans are again serious about winning, and voter fraud will be at the top of their list. Purging voter rolls in red states will be their priority, and Trump’s Voter Fraud Commission is asking every state to send in their voter rolls. This makes no sense, but this is the unfriendly and illegal situation Blacks and minorities are faced with.

In 2017, it is apparent that the Democratic Party is losing its connection to the Black community, and we don’t share the same issues nor speak the same language. When Blacks talk about institutional racism, unjust incarceration, the current criminal justice system, poor schools, and not enough jobs, many White Democrats place the blame on the Black community.

As the gap between White and Black Democrats exacerbates and grows larger, it becomes necessary for Blacks in America to build a Black united front based on a Black consensus.

This Black consensus will be built around a Black Agenda.

The concept or belief that in 2017 America is a color-blind society where racism has disappeared with the first Black president, is a myth that is not based on facts and the truth. Blacks have a responsibility to teach the truth to their families, their community, the country and the world.

As older Blacks become estranged from the conventional Democratic Party, and younger Blacks ages 18 to 30 refuse to vote, nothing appears to be changing. In 2016, 88% of Black Democrats voted for Hillary Clinton, and in 2012, 93% of Blacks voted for Barack Obama.

As the Black vote declines, Black Politics and Black Economics must become the critical discussion in our community. It is time for all elements and groups within the Black community to speak as one voice around an agreed Black Agenda.

This Black Agenda will develop action plans, and present the Democratic Party with a powerful block of voters and coalitions which will take over leadership positions within the party. Blacks are invisible in the Democratic Party because they do not vote as a block, they do not endorse candidates that support our Black Agenda and run for leadership positions.

There is power in a Black Agenda and when Blacks vote as a block. In 2017 and beyond, t

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The Black community in every city and state must become mobilized, educated, registered to vote, and engaged. This will take discipline, patience and hard work, but our vote is our voice, and the Democratic Party cannot win without our vote.





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