Foundation’s Friends, Stories in Honor of Isaac Asimov


Edited by Martin H. Greenberg, with an afterward by Isaac Asimov
175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY  10010
9780765328304, $17.99,
Asimov, the author of more than 315 books, 2,000 short stories and essays on subjects including SF, popular science, mysteries and reference works, is toasted in a grand collection of short fiction, essays and novellas by some of the top names of SF.  In a preface by Ray Bradbury, he imagines the world without Asimov (a terrible thought).  Orson Scott Card sheds light on the formation of the second Foundation.  George Alec Effinger retells the story of “Nightfall” in a totally different way. Harry Harrison enters the world of robotics created by Asimov.  In all there are seventeen writers who pay tribute to the god of science fiction.  In an afterward Janet Jeppson Asimov informs what was like to be the wife of the famous author.  But the last word, as always, is by Asimov himself.  In it he thanks many of the people he worked with and friends of during his long career.  “Foundation’s Friends confirms that the world is a much luckier place for having known Dr. Asimov through his writing.

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