Book Reviews


Till Death

Jennifer L Armentrout
WM William Morrow
c/o Harper Collins Publishers
195 Broadway New York, New York 10007
9780062362780, $9.99

Sasha Keeton comes back to her hometown in West Virginia after an absence of 10 years.  She left to start a new life but is asked to come back and help her mom run a family business.  She believes the serial killer that caused her to leave is dead, so now she can start over.  Unfortunately there is someone who begins to murder other women in much the same manner as the one before.  “Till Death” is a nail biting tale of suspense that races along with until its final revealing ending that will have readers turning pages to the final page.

Robert B. Parker’s Little White Lies

Ace Atkins
c/o Penguin Group USA
375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014
9780399174002, $27.00,

Spenser is after an elusive con man that makes this case one of the most bizarre for the detective.  Along the way are the regular characters of Hawk and Susan.  Atkins again tells a tale in the mode of Robert B. Parker that is a great new addition to the series.  “Robert B. Parker’s Little White Lies” has the snappy dialogue and the rapid pacing that no fan of the Spenser novels should miss.

Smoke Jensen The Beginning

William W. Johnston with J.A Johnston
Kensington Publishing Corp
119 West 40th Street, New York, NY  10018
9780786036424, $7.50,

“Smoke Jensen is another great western by one of the best writers in the genre.  The Jensen series has been a lot of fun to read but until now readers did not really know how it all began.  Now the authors William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone fill in the gaps for a much clearer picture.  Like all of the other westerns by this author “Smoke Jensen The Beginning “is a great shootem up tale.

Star Trek Section 31

David Mack
Pocket Books Star Trek
c/o Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY  10020,
9781501151705, $7.99,

After fifty years “Star Trek” continues to live on.  In “Star Trek Section 31” author David Mack incorporates characters from several different portions of the franchise into a well done novel that adds new life to the series.  “Star Trek Section 31” moves at a fast pace that has a very satisfying ending no fan should miss.

The Domain of Small Mercies New and Selected Poems 2 1963-2015

Louis Phillips
Pleasure Boat Studio
201 West 89th Street, New York, NY  10024
9780912887487, $26.99,

There is something for everyone in the new collection of poems by poet Louis Phillips in “The Domain of Small Mercies.”  Phillips brilliantly constructs with words many interesting images that many of us do not think about.  At the end of each piece the author lists when it was written that gives a little better understanding of the mindset of the author.  “The Domain of Small Mercies is a wonderful excursion into the mind of one person.

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The Canadaland Guide to Canada

Jesse Brown
c/o Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY  10020
9781501150630, $23.00,

I actually struggled with “The Canadaland Guide to Canada” because I am not familiar with the history of the country so I am not able to see where the author is poking fun at the nation.  Maybe someone who knows he the past will be able to enjoy the author’s work.

Abducted The Story Of Carolina

Jessica Klee Illustrations by Daymel Garcia
Legacy Book Publishing
1883 Lee Road, Winter Park Fl 32789
9780998012834 $19.95,

“Abducted The Story of Carolina” tackles a difficult subject that is a warning to people of all ages.  In the tough times we live some of the things we know we should do in situations are often forgotten.  “Abducted The Story of Carolina” reinforces simple things we all should continue to practice every day of our lives to stay safe.

Too Tall Foyle Finds His Game

Written by Adonal Foyle & Shiyana Valentine-Williams Illustrated by Toni Pawlowsky
9780989334839, $13.99,

Growing up as a child is never easy as shown in the book “Too Tall Foyle Finds His Game.”   Foyle is taller than many of the children around him that he is not good at most sports all the other kids play.  He finally realizes a game he can play and have fun at the same time with other kids.  “Too Tall Foyle Finds His Game” has a lot of interesting characters that make the story of Foyle so much fun.  People of all ages can enjoy this beautiful kid’s book.

Leslie C. Halpern

Taylor Trade Publishing
c/o Rowman & Littlefeld
978031630761370, $16.95

Unlike Halpern’s other titles that also delve into film “200 Love Lessons from the Movies Staying Moonstruck for Life” goes further on how film relates to real life.  She has picked some of the very best romantic movies and why they are classified as such but goes further on how to learn lessons from them for a romantic life.  Some of the movies are no surprise like “Moonstruck” but others like “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” are a total surprise how they relate to romantic film.  Readers will have lots of fun reading about the many films as well as agreeing or disagreeing with Halpern’s choice of films and the lessons learned from each one.

Too Tall Foyle Makes The Team

Written by Adonal Foyle & Shiyana Valentine-Williams Illustrated by Toni Pawlowsky
9780989334815, $13.99,

“Too Tall Foyle Makes The Team” expands many of the messages first revealed in “Too Tall Foyle Finds His Game” and goes further to teach children to look in themselves and see what they can do best and that through hard work and concentration they can succeed at whatever they want to try to do.  Both books are filled with lavish art work and wonderful prose that add to reader’s enjoyment.  In our complicated society it’s nice to see that there are still some positive role models and former Orlando Magic basketball player is one of those who continues to give back to the community in many different ways.

Reviews by Gary Roen

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