What Does the Firing of Bill O’Reilly Say about Republicans? 

This is a photo of Roger Caldwell, an NNPA columnist and long-time contributor to the Advocate
Roger Caldwell is an NNPA Columnist and a long-time contributor to the Advocate

The Republicans control most of the legislatures and governorships in the country, and they  control both House in the Federal government, and the presidency. Does this mean that the  Democrats don’t vote, or the Republicans are better organized?
Everyone in the America knows that Republicans are conservatives, the majority of them are  White, and America is the greatest country on the planet because of them. This kind of thinking  would indicate that “white is right” and our institutions and systems are the best in the world.
Bill O’Reilly is the epitome of White success and achievement, and his yearly compensation was  $13 million from Fox, and other streams of income were in the millions. White America  supports and worships his ideology of White supremacy and racism. He is a media icon, even  though he was rude, sexist, racist and obnoxious.
According to Mike Ridmond, a reporter at The Daily Banter wrote, “On April 1, The New York  Times wrote that Bill O’Reilly and 21 st Century Fox, Fox news’ parent company, have paid out at  least $13 million with five women reporting sexual harassment by O’Reilly.”
The first weird thing I noticed was that Mr. O’Reilly was still on television, and no one on Fox  talked about this breaking news, and the accusations of Bill O’Reilly’s sexual harassment cases.  This proved to me, that the people in power decide who is hired, and what they can say on  their station.
After weeks of protest, and advertisers pulling their ads from the O’Reilly Factor, Rupert  Murdock quietly fired Bill O’Reilly from Fox. Even though the company’s culture allowed men  in power to harass women in the workplace, O’Reilly’s lawyer claims that O’Reilly was a victim  of a brutal campaign of character assassination.
Starting with President Trump, and many of O’Reilly’s business colleagues think he was  mistreated and unfairly fired. Instead of acknowledging O’Reilly’s harassment of women for  decades got him fired, many colleagues and President Trump said O’Reilly was a good man,  who did not deserve to be fired.
Many argued that O’Reilly was an example of America’s greatness, but others argued that he  was an example of the sickness that is prevalent in the country. There are records of O’Reilly  beating his wife in front of their children, and treating other women with no respect.
Somewhere deep in the soul of conservatives and Republicans, they are fundamentally mean  and cold, and they are only interested in money, control, and power. Many political experts and  Fox insiders say O’Reilly was fired, because this scandal could threaten and derail Murdoch’s  bid to acquire all of the European pay-service, Sky-TV.
The people with money and power in America, plan to stay in control, and these people on top,  only see themselves as winners. The men in power at Fox will not make any radical changes in  terms of the treatment of women, because with money problems get fixed.
Republicans, conservatives, and Fox news have a solid base, and half of Americans agree with  Fox’s thinking. White power is a symptom of America, and everywhere you look on television is  Whiteness.
Bill O’Reilly would not have gotten fired, without relentless activism and progressive organizers  around the country. Many in the media did their job by exposing the $13 million in settlements  to the women who had been harassed. American companies asked Fox to do a better job by  taking their advertising away from one television show, who had mistreated women.
Justice means something different to many Americans, but every American believes every  citizen should be treated with respect and dignity. Common decency is needed in America, and  it is essential that the Democrats and progressives challenge sexist and racist ideas and thinking  from the conservative Republicans.

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