Just Revenge


Alan M. Dershowitz
Grand Central
c/o Hachette Book Group USA 237 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10017 www.HatchetteBookGroupUSA.com 9780446519830, $7.99 www.amazon.com
Alan M. Dershowitz poses a moral dilemma in “Just Revenge” For professor Max Meushen the Holocaust has never gone away. The Nazis wiped out his entire family. Max has found out that Marcellus Pranclus, the militia captain who carried out the orders to kill his family, low lives in the same city as Max. Now Max so many years later engineers a plan to seek revenge on Pranclus and his family that oversteps the laws of the country. Attorney Abe Ringle from “Advocate’s Devil,” returns to defend Max. Legally what Max has done is a criminal act but morally it’s not. Dershowitz’s tale is a two-fold novel. On the one hand it is a great novel, while on the other hand it is a warning to never forget what the Nazi’s did to innocent people in World War Two. “Just Revenge” is a great legal thriller.