Limousine Rides and Dream Gifts Make Holiday Gala a Blessing


dinner 036On December 12, 2015, Fruit of Glory Ministries held its first annual “Changing the Game for a New Generation” holiday gala. There were 16 children identified as the gift award recipients, and they will remember this evening for their entire lives. To start the evening off the children were picked up by a limousine, which indicated that they were special and important to Dr. LeGrande, her team, and the community. Each child who was honored at the gala has lost a parent or sibling to street or domestic violence.

Once the children, parents, and caregivers arrived at the Majestic Event Center, they received a standing ovation from over 150 supporters attending the gala. There were an assortment of presents on the stage, and all the children’s’ faces were illuminated by huge smiles. The ages ranged from 3 year old to 21year old, and this was their magical evening.

dinner 013Dr. Sydel LeGrande is a new family doctor in the Washington Shores area, and provides medical care for the entire family. For over a decade, her “Fruit of Glory Ministries Inc.” has provided Tampa Florida families with 9 events a year, and impacted thousands of lives. In the last year, she has expanded her business and commitment to the Orlando community. On Saturday evening Dr. LeGrande, and her Fruit of Glory Ministries team held its first gala as part of a strategic grassroots initiative to eliminate Black on Black crime. The event was a fabulous affair with phenomenon entertainment from the Inez Patricia School of Dance, saxophone solos from the music ministry of Charles Martin, and an excellent dinner.

The keynote speaker of the evening was artist Gilbert Young, a nationally renowned artist, muralist, and art conservator. His works can be seen in galleries around the country, and he has been commissioned to do a portrait of Mrs. Obama. The painting “He Ain’t Heavy” used by Dr. LeGrande in her promotional materials has sold over one million prints. Mr. Young’s speech was inspiring and motivating from an icon, who has excelled in the art world for over 50 years.

dinner 034The final portion of the evening was the presentation of the gifts for the children. Each one of the children received dream gifts from individuals and community organizations. Some of the supporters also promised to act as mentors for certain families beyond the gala.

Dr. LeGrande and Fruit of Glory Ministries would like to thank all of its sponsors, Advanced Diagnostic Group, BioSpine , A.J. Rubano, D.C., and Charity & Love for their financial support. She would also like to thank the attendees and all the supporters who bought tee shirts and tickets. Please sign up for our meeting of the minds that is planned for February 13, 2016, where you are invited to be an author, and assist in the development of a curriculum for “Changing the Game for a New Generation. “ For more information visit

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