Loretta Lynch confirmed 56 – 43

Outside the Senate building where the historic vote took place. Cong. Brown in red; Lavern Kelly 2nd from left. Photo courtesy of Lavern Kelly

It’s official.

On April 23, 2015, the U.S. Senate voted 56-43 to confirm Loretta Lynch as the nation’s next Attorney General.  Approval atook more than 170 days– longer than all but 2 other Attorneys General in history.

President Obama nominated Lynch to replace outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder on November 8, 2014.  Holder announced his retirement in September.

The hold-up on her confirmation had little to do with Lynch’s qualifications for the job.   Even among those voting no, there was considerable agreement that she is extremely capable, having previously served as U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York  where she was praised for her work in fighting police brutality, religious and racial hate crimes, terrorism and sex trafficking.

Congresswoman Corrine Brown was on hand for the vote, and was joined by Lavern Kelly, of Orlando-based KNA Services.  Congresswoman Brown is shown in the photo

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