Media Event: “Evening Conversation” – Nov. 14


    WASHINGTON, DC – The Trinity Forum today announced it will host an Evening Conversation event in Washington, DC on November 14, 2016 with Dr. Ray Barfield and Rev. Michael Walrond entitled “Suffering and Flourishing: Perseverance and Faith in the Midst of Pain.”

    The event will be held at the National Press Club from 6:30-­‐8:30 pm on Monday, November 14, 2016. Members of the media are invited to attend.“We often focus on the meaning of suffering – but an equally important question is how we, as human beings, should respond to suffering, and how to flourish through suffering,” said Cherie Harder, President of the Trinity Forum. “Dr. Ray Barfield and Rev. Michael Walrond will lead a fascinating Evening Conversation on this question on November 14.”

    Dr. Ray Barfield is a faculty member of both Duke University’s Medical School and Divinity School, where he works to bridge the gap between medicine and theology. He practices as a pediatric oncologist and directs the Pediatric Quality of Life/Pallative Care Program to help children with complex, chronic or life-­‐ limiting diseases. In the Divinity School, he develops courses and programs that bridge theology and medicine, and teaches courses in Christian Philosophy.

    Rev. Michael A. Walrond Jr. is the Senior Pastor of the First Corinthian Baptist Church in Harlem, New York. Suffering from chronic pain due to sarcoidosis, Walrond is one of the most sought-­‐after preachers in the country. He serves as a board member of the National Action Network, and as a trustee and adjunct faculty member of the Chicago Theological Seminary. He as a 2014 recipient of The Root 100 Award, a list of the 100 most influential African Americans under 45, and in 2015 was named one of New York’s most influential religious leaders by The Observer. He was appointed to head New York City’s new Clergy Advisory Council by Mayor Bill de Blasio in 2015. He received his M. Div. from Duke Divinity.

    The Trinity Forum is a nonprofit organization that engages leaders with the great ideas of civilization in the context of faith for personal and societal renewal. The Trinity Forum sponsors dozens of events each year in Washington, DC and across the country.

    WHAT: Evening Conversation with Dr. Ray Barfield and Rev. Michael A. Walrond Jr

    WHEN: Monday, November 14, 2016, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM

    WHERE: National Press Club, 529 14th St., Washington, DC 20045

    The cost is $20, which includes a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception.

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