The nationwide student walkout began today. Students from all around the nation walked out of their classrooms today to mark the 30-day anniversary of the rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Seventeen students died in that latest example of school shooting bloodlust that left 17 students dead and a nation once again shocked and outraged at the repeat violence in our schools.
The plan is for students to spend 17 minutes out of class, with each minute representing one of the students who died in the Parkland attack.
These student protests have sparked a movement of solidarity among youth the nation has never seen before. USA Today reported that as protesters shouted things like “dump the NRA,” others countered with “Trump,” and “We Want Our Guns.”
#NeverAgain was a foreseeable response by youth to the ever-present danger students face just being on elementary, high school and college campuses. Wednesday’s walkouts are only the first of a number of events planned for March and April by students around the nation. A huge rally is planned for March 24 in Washington, with as many as 500,000 people expected to attend. On April 20, students will protest to mark the 19th anniversary of the Columbine shooting. Spin-off marches are planned in just about every state of the union.
The students then released 17 doves from a
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