Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill’s daughter dies in Tallahassee

Arvonni Debose, the daughter of Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill is shown here with her mother. The 24-year-old died Friday in Tallahassee under unclear circumstances. An autopsy has been scheduled.

ORLANDO, FL – The daughter of Orlando Commissioner Regina Hill died Friday, August 28, under unclear circumstances.Arvonni DeBose, 24, was taken to the hospital Friday afternoon after being found at her home in Tallahassee in need of medical assistance.  She passed away later that day.

According to Tallahassee police, preliminary indications are that Debose was in good health before she died.  The cause of death is not known at this time but an autopsy will be performed.

Hill, who was elected to office in May, 2014, has been devastated by the loss of her daughter.  She penned a personal note on Facebook, saying:

‘It is finish. God you gave me my beautiful baby girl for 24 years. Vonni you bought me such Joy.

‘Now your a Angel in heaven. Your Mommy will Love you forevermore. The grave can’t separate our love! Pray for my family during our loss.’

Her aide, Justin Felton Sr., circulated a statement on Hill’s behalf, thanking those who have expressed condolences and offered prayer:

Commissioner Regina Hill would like to thank all those who have sent their prayers and condolences to her family.  She asks that during their time of grieving that her and her family be respectfully undisturbed.  Again, she thanks Mayor Buddy Dyer, the City Council and the entire Orlando community for their heart-felt concerns.  She asks that everyone remain prayerful as the family prepares for her daughter’s homegoing services.

Information on funeral services will be provided as it becomes available.


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