COMMENTARY: Gangsters on the left, Klansmen on the right


THE GANTT REPORT, by Lucius Gantt

The most famous African American editorial writers are happy to get about 300 internet hits a column. I don’t know how many people read The Gantt Report on a regular basis but this is true, the column “Three the Hard Way” got around 200,000 hits when it ran, “The Cat is Overrated” continues to be talked about in barber shops on the regular, brothers and sisters in prisons inside of prisons love TGR and The Gantt Report page on Facebook, on occasion, gets hundreds of thousands of likes and engagements.

TGR is known and read in Africa, the Caribbean and on other foreign soils by readers of all races, colors and creeds.

Whenever a brother or sister seeks my help in starting a column, I try to assist. I will not, however, give them a list of newspapers and other media outlets. If writers don’t have a relationship with media companies in their own cities and communities, that is a bad sign for people that desire to write.

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I want more conscious Black media writers, not necessarily writers like me.

You see, some folk are surfacing that try to mimic my style but TGR may be imitated but it will never be duplicated.

Publishers and media companies should identify writers that are appreciated by your readers, viewers and listeners. If I can help you, I will.

Now, most Black columnists gravitate toward the flavor, or story, of the day.

Not Lucius, said the cats!

I try to be prophetic. Perhaps I can give you an example of what I mean.

Recently, the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) released a report on a subject that TGR wrote about years ago.

The Gantt Report wrote that many of your haters, oppressors and exploiters were also your friends, neighbors, coworkers, classmates, teammates, colleagues and confidants.

The ADL obtained a leaked membership list of the notorious, white nationalist, white supremacist and insurrectionist Oath Keepers and reported that hundreds of law enforcers, first responders, police officers, firemen, active military service members and large numbers of government workers and elected officials were members of a group that may be arming themselves for a civil war while trying to destroy American democracy and to disrupt the peaceful transfer of American political power.

Gentrification of America’s “Black neighborhoods” has escalated the fear in our communities. Police say they are afraid when they are dispatched to patrol our communities. Cops are scared but imagine having a gangster neighbor on your left and a ku klux klansman living on your right. Look out your window to admire the white girls walking their dogs in the dead of night in the heart of the ghetto.

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Too many people of African descent appear to have eyes but they don’t seem to see how we continue to be misled and bamboozled by wolves in sheep’s clothing!

God has sent his children and believers many messengers. The wicked and deceitful have spoken to us and against us with a lying tongue.

I want to thank the world’s publishers, broadcasters and media companies for giving me the opportunities to share the truth with the people that need truth the most!

The Gantt Report is for you!

Author Profile

Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.