Democracy on Fire with President Trump Striking the Match

This is a photo of Roger Caldwell, an NNPA columnist and long-time contributor to the Advocate
Roger Caldwell is an NNPA Columnist and a long-time contributor to the Advocate

Democracy is being challenged in America, and it appears the rule of law does not apply to
President Trump and his administration.
Every day brings a new attack on American Democracy and its institutions, and it centers around the
president’s policies, his tweets, and his cronies. The Republican leadership refuses to admit there is
smoke swirling around Trump’s latest revelations. According to the media, the president obstructed
justice by asking James Comey, former head of the FBI, to end an ongoing investigation into former
National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn’s, ties to Russia.
Everyone in the media or in politics has an opinion, but there are leaks that Comey wrote memos after
every encounter or meeting with President Trump, and different members within the FBI have a record
of these memos. This information is not just smoke, but the beginning of a real fire.
Trump was under the impression that both Republicans and Democrats would applaud his decision to
fire Comey, but his assessment was wrong. Instead of approving his decision, the president’s Deputy
Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, appointed an independent special prosecutor to determine if there
was collusion between the president, his associates and Russians.
As the fire heats up, former FBI Director, Robert Mueller, has been given the authority to continue the
investigation started by James Comey, which Trump is calling a “witch hunt.” Deputy Attorney General,
Rod Rosenstein, gave the president and his staff and hours’ notice before he gave an official press
release to the media, and legislators concerning his appointment of a special independent prosecutor.
Under current law, the special prosecutor has the authority to hire an independent staff, which is not
supervised by the Justice Department. It has subpoena powers, investigates criminal matters, and
anyone can be called to testify. It is time for Trump and his top level staff members to hire outside legal
Senator John McCain says “The only thing I can say is I think we’ve seen this movie before. I think it’s
reaching the point where it’s of Watergate size and scale.”
Many Democrats at this point in Trump’s early administration is calling for impeachment, but I think it is
far too early. Obstruction and collusion has not been proven in any investigation, and Robert Mueller’s
investigation is just getting started.
The Dunning-Kruger effect says “The incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own
incompetences.” Trump’s inability to focus makes it hard for him to learn and master facts. It is very
hard for him to control what comes out of his mouth, because he forgets his own talking points.
Anyone working for Trump in a high level position must stay ready to be thrown under the bus. He is
perpetually confused because he cannot remember lies he’s told just two hours earlier.
Many times when he gives an interview, there is no fire, but when he finishes, he has started a small
brush fire. At this point, over eighty (80) percent of Republicans still support President Trump, but this is
only thirty percent of the country, and many are finding it hard to support him because they have no
idea what new drama will be initiated by his early morning tweets.
American Democracy is on fire, and the damage Trump, the Republicans and his administration has
caused, will take years to correct. This administration is in desperate need for government positions to
be filled. Instead of hiring a strong team, Trump and his administration is dismantling key federal
agencies such as EPA, and Civil Rights Departments.
Over sixty (60) percent of Americans are angry with the way Trump is running the country, and it is time
to turn up the heat. This summer, join a progressive political organization, register new voters, and
mobilize your community to become engaged. Democrats must take back the Senate in 2018 and get
more Democrats in Congress.

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