Don’t Take Away Floridians’ Access to Information.

Notice to Creditors

Say NO to House Bill 7 & Senate Bill 1340

Every year some legislator decides to renew old attacks on Florida’s newspapers. The attacks are almost always the same: get rid of the requirements for publishing public notices 1) in Florida newspapers, 2) posting notices on newspapers’ websites and 3) placing them in one single place – The attempt, as always, is to instead have the notices placed on various governmental websites.

So, where would you look if you wanted to see if a Notice of Adoption was filed to terminate your parental rights? Where would you look to see what Notices to Creditors were filed? How about a Notice of Foreclosure Action? What if you were subject to possible legal action in all three of these areas (and there are many other categories)? Under House Bill 7 and Senate Bill 1340 it would all depend on which governmental agency required the notice to be published. If you didn’t know that, you’d never know where to look. That could mean you would never find out.

What we have right now is more than sufficient. No matter what kind of public notice is filed, and no matter which agency requires it, you can find it right now on It’s clearly the most effective method of disseminating information to the public.

House Bill 7 & Senate Bill 1340 will force Floridian residents like us to have to scour thousands of websites to find out if any notices have been filed that might impact them. And that makes absolutely no sense. There is an old saying chock full of wisdom that still makes perfect sense today: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

Say No to House Bill 7 & Senate Bill 1340. Contact your senator today!