Free Disaster Preparedness Training Offered to Orlando FBCOs


rdpc-logoMany rural areas have very active Faith-Based Community Organizations (FBCO), including religious charities, non-profits such as the Salvation Army, the American Red Cross, churches (both affiliated and unaffiliated), temples, synagogues, mosques, and non-governmental organizations. In the event of a disaster, all components of the community should be incorporated into emergency planning and response.  Faith-based organizations have resources and access to individuals who can assist in various capacities during an incident.
The Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC) is making it easier for emergency responders and FCBO leaders in and around Orlando, Florida to be prepared for such events by delivering a FREE U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)-certified course; MGT 405 – Mobilizing Faith-Based Community Organizations in Preparing for Disaster.  This eight-hour instructor-led course will be offered from 8am to 5pm on May 13th, at the Florida Governor’s Hurricane Conference, Rosen Shingle Creek, 9939 Universal Blvd, Orlando, Florida.

Mobilizing Faith-Based Community Organizations in Preparing for Disaster is a training program for FBCO representatives, emergency managers, and first responders from small and rural communities to strategically mobilize and engage FBCOs in a reciprocal approach to disaster planning.

Mark your calendars and have someone from your congregation attend.

[Ed:  If you simply cannot make the May 13 training, but you want someone from your church to be a part of disaster training, you can have that person register for a FEMA Student ID and train online at]  

You can check out the First Responder resource library here.

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