GOP Lawmakers: Let’s Heal, Not Impeach

    Photo of Kevin Seraaj, journalist and publisher of the Orlando Advocate
    Kevin Seraaj, publisher, Orlando Advocate

    by Kevin Seraaj, J.D., M.Div, OrlandoAdvocate

    “A second impeachment, only days before President Trump will leave office, is as unnecessary as it is inflammatory,” seven Republicans have said in a letter to Biden.

    “We need to heal the nation,” GOP lawmakers now say to anyone who asks if they will vote for impeachment.

    I find it interesting that Republican lawmakers now want to “heal the nation”– when they spent the last four years enabling the president as he brought the country to the brink of destruction. Trump’s four years of inflammatory rhetoric and extremely divisive policies were predictors of last week’s terrorist activities.

    Trump cannot be given a pass, nor should the nation be asked to turn a blind eye to his role in what happened last week. Despite what Trump says, the terrorist attempt to take over the government happened at his urging– by his supporters. The nation’s capitol was attacked. The Capitol was overtaken by armed insurrectionists. People died.

    If Trump is not removed by use of the 25th Amendment or he does not voluntarily resign, impeachment must be pursued– because Trump absolutely cannot be permitted to be above the law.

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