Groups Outraged that Planned Parenthood Hires KKK Supporter to Build Their New Mega Center


WASHINGTON, Aug. 30, 2016 /Christian Newswire/ — In a conversation on the public sidewalk in front of the new Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, the plumbing contractor tells Rev. Mahoney that he supports the KKK.

Below is a link to the video where he says, "I’m from the south. I like them." He was referring to the KKK.


Faith and pro-life organizations are deeply troubled that an organization which gets hundreds of millions of dollars from taxpayers, would hire a racist who supports the KKK and has no sensitivity regarding racial equality or justice.

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Groups call for Planned Parenthood to immediately fire the plumbing contractor and donate all of his his salary to an organization that promotes racial reconciliation and healing.

They are also asking for Hillary Clinton, a proud Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger supporter, to publicly condemn the hiring of this KKK supporter who is building the new Planned Parenthood mega center in the shadow of U. S. Capitol building.

What makes this even more troubling is that the Founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was an avowed racist who spoke at KKK rallies. See quote from her autobiography:

"I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan… I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses…I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak…In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered." (Margaret Sanger: An Autobiography, P.366)

Rev. Patrick Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition and Pastor of Church on the Hill in Washington, D.C. states;

"It is outrageous and disgraceful that Planned Parenthood would have a racist and supporter of the KKK working on their new mega center in Washington, D.C. It is especially troubling when you consider this organization receives hundreds of millions in taxpayer funding yet hires people who embrace intolerance, hatred and bigotry while working in the very heart of our nation’s capital.

"We call upon Planned Parenthood to immediately terminate all ties with this plumbing contractor and give the fees paid to him and his company to an organization that promotes racial reconciliation and healing. We also ask that Hillary Clinton, who supports Planned Parenthood with open arms and their Founder, Margaret Sanger, to condemn the fact that they have hired this KKK supporter who is working on their clinic in Washington, D.C.

"Sadly, the racist and eugenicist agenda of Margaret Sanger continues to live on with Planned Parenthood. Whether it is the violence of abortion or the violence of unleashing dogs and fire hoses on African-Americans, their focus still remains rooted in the crushing of human rights and equality."

Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, comments:

"Planned Parenthood takes the lives of 900 children every day, so why would they be opposed to hiring a proud supporter of the KKK and avowed racist. Their disregard for the lives of these innocent children is reflected in having people build their facilities who also share their lack of regard for the dignity of human life.

"Simply stated, whether it is killing innocent children in their mother’s wombs or hiring those who support the racist policies of the KKK, Planned Parenthood continues its legacy of injustice and violence."

Catherine Glenn Foster, President of Sound Legal Group, adds:

"It is an outrage that Planned Parenthood would hire a KKK supporter to install the 33 sinks in its new DC megacenter. But given Planned Parenthood’s 100-year history of racism and misogyny, we should not be surprised that a supporter of an organization that would flush human rights down the toilet would be in league with the organization that will be washing babies’ blood down the sink.

"This video reaffirms Planned Parenthood’s blatant disregard for our most basic human rights. It is time for this behemoth of abortion, taxpayer dollars, and racism to shut its doors for good."

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