Majority Of Americans Believe Obama Has No Clear Plan To Fight ISIS?

barack obama
Pres. Obama answers questions at news conference

Pres. Obama answers questions at news conference
Pres. Obama answers questions at news conference

CBS News reports that Just over a week after the terrorist attacks in Paris, only 23 percent of Americans think President Barack Obama has a clear plan for dealing with the militant group ISIS/  This is the lowest number yet recorded in the CBS News Poll.

Sixty-six percent do not think he has a clear plan – a new high.

Large majorities of Republicans and independents say the President doesn’t have a clear plan, and almost half of Democrats (40 percent) agree. More Democrats (45 percent) say he doesn’t have a plan than say he does.

In considering military options, 50 percent of Americans now favor sending in U.S. ground troops to fight ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria, up four points from August.

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