Newsbeat’s mobile app is here!


    Now you can keep up to speed with all of Newsbeat’s stories in one place, on your phone.

    We have all the latest stories you’ve heard on Radio 1 and 1Xtra as well as exclusive music news and interviews, entertainment, social media and tech stories.

    And we make complex issues clear from politics and health to gaming and money. You can swipe quickly from story to story, navigating via cards that tilt and wobble under your fingertips.

    Stories are arranged in three categories; latest, popular and topics, which take you to a choice of themes from music, entertainment, tech, sport to “you what?” – random, funny and weird stories which we reckon will take you by surprise.

    There’s also Newsbeat Investigates where you’ll find our team of reporters unpicking big issues, from the students becoming sex workers to pay the rent to practical help from teenagers on how you can protect yourself from online trolls.

    If you’ve got an iPhone you can download the app here.

    For Android users, go here.

    Or you can just search “Newsbeat”.

    And remember all the stories are automatically stored offline, so you can read them on the move without eating into your mobile data plan.

    Don’t worry if your phone doesn’t run Android or iOS: our responsive website is designed to work beautifully on any device too.

    And of course our relationship with you is the most important thing of all, so tell us what issues and topics really matter to you.

    Follow @BBCNewsbeat on Twitter, BBCNewsbeat on Instagram, Radio1Newsbeat on YouTube and you can now follow BBC_Newsbeat on Snapchat