No Lame Duck Administration with President Obama


Everyone knows that President Obama has two more years in office as the most powerful man on the planet. Many would argue this statement, but when there is a crisis in the world, America is the first country that is called.

In January 2015, the president will be confronted with an all Republican Congress in both Houses, and their ideologies are diametrically opposite. This is an explosive situation and it changes the dynamics of policy-making and politics in Washington. For the first time since President Obama has been in office the Republicans have control in both Houses, and they will push their agenda.

To start with, the Republicans will have control of the money, and they have voting power to get their bills through both Houses. But before the Republicans take over, President Obama used the recent lame duck session in Congress to get over 20 stalled executive-branch positions approved, and initiated two historical groundbreaking executive orders. The first executive order was on immigration, and his second executive order was opening up and normalizing diplomatic relationships with Cuba.

Many Americans don’t understand what a “lame duck session” is. A “lame duck session” is the term used for the few months between Election Day and the seating of the new Congress. Basically the Congress-individuals who are voted out of office, come back to work with a do nothing attitude, including the president. Nothing gets done during this time, because everyone is waiting for the new representatives to take office.

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But, President Obama has made a radical change, and he is not slowing down during a lame duck session. Instead he is speeding things up, and this is a different approach to policy-making in Washington. Some experts are calling his approach to policy-making revolutionary, and the Republicans are confused with their plans to block the president’s executive orders.

To add more fuel to the fire, the president ended his final press conference of 2014, by only asking questions to women reporters. All the women that were chosen either worked for a print outlet or a radio network. There were no individuals who worked for a television network were called on for a question, and everyone was shocked with the president’s decision.

At the beginning of the press conference President Obama stated, “That he’d be consulting his naughty or nice list.” This was a historical session, because the political experts said a press conference asking questions to only women reporters was never done before by any other president. In 1933, Eleanor Roosevelt gave only women press conferences, because she was protesting that there were not enough women reporters in the country.

Everyone is talking about the president’s executive orders and his all female question press conference. The media outlets are in a state of anticipation, because no one knows what the president is going to do next. The president is not stopping, and the next two years will be a knock down dragged out fight, with the Republicans and conservatives.

President Obama will go down in history as one of the greatest president’s in America. He is growing and building on his legacy every day, and he is ignoring the traditional definition of a lame duck president.

Finally the president and his wife are telling Americans what it feels like to be Black in America. This is unprecedented, and everyone is waiting to see by exposing the truth, the president can change the heart of the country. The president has always stated that he is willing to work with Republicans, now he will have that opportunity for two years.

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