Publishing Your DBA With Us


Florida Law lets you DBA (do business as) in another name.

All you have to do is pay the fee and register with the state.  But Florida Statute 865.09, Effective July 1, 2009, says that before you register a fictitious name (or DBA) for your business, you must publish a notice of intention in a newspaper in the county where your business’s principal office is located.  Again, this must be done before you file the fictitious name with the state (Florida Division of Corporations).

Click the following link to read the statute: Florida Statute 865.09

Click here to get started with getting your fictitious name published in the Orlando Advocate.

Penalty for Not Publishing your Florida Fictitious Name

When you file your paperwork with the Secretary of State, you certify that you have met the requirements of the law by publishing your fictitious name in a local newspaper.  If you fail to do what you tell the state you have done, you are guilty of a second degree misdemeanor, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.  Why risk that?  Especially when we give you such great pricing!


Why Us?

We’ve been doing this for 25 years!  From start to finish we make complicated issues simple. We give your matter prompt attention and help you quickly move on to the next step in your process.  We’ve got you covered.

Click here to get started

Our Florida Fictitious Name Publication Process

  • You provide the information we need to generate the legal notice to be published in our newspaper:
  • We run the ad then provide you with an affidavit that your notice has been published.
  • The affidavit is emailed to you for your business records and proof of legal compliance with the State of Florida Statue.

Fictitious Name Pricing

$45.00.  This is our fee.  Several times a year we place fictitious name publishing on sale for $25 to help small business owners meet the requirements for “doing business as.”  We even include our Affidavit of Publication as part of that price.  When you visit the Publish Your Legal Notice page, you will be informed about any existing sales.

Click here to get started.