Redistricting Advisory Committee to Meet for First Time

Orange County Advisory Committee Meeting

Orange County to Host Community Members Charged with Reviewing 2020 Census Data Monday, September 20

On Monday, September 20, Mayor Jerry L. Demings will join a select group of 15 community members serving on the Advisory Committee for Redistricting (ACR) to hold its first meeting.

This group is tasked with reviewing the 2020 Census data and ultimately recommending potential commission district boundary adjustments to the Board of County Commissioners. This is the first of eleven ACR meetings between now and mid-December. Monday’s meeting will focus on introducing Sunshine Law, ethics standards, an overview of the redistricting process including legal principles, and other procedural issues related to the process.

WHEN: Monday, September 20, 2021 – 6:30 pm


  • Orange County Administration Building
  • Board of County Commission Chamber – 1st Floor
  • 201 S. Rosalind Avenue
  • Orlando, FL 32801

Federal law, the Florida Constitution, and the Orange County Charter mandate that the County reconsiders its political boundaries every ten years based upon updated population data. As the latest census was completed by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2020, Orange County must complete its decennial redistricting process by March 2022.

The goal of redistricting is to readjust the population between commission districts so that no Orange County Commissioner is representing substantially more individual residents than the other commissioners. Redistricting is accomplished by adjusting the boundaries of the County’s six commission districts to account for population growth. Please visit, for more details.

Members of the Advisory Committee for Redistricting:

Hector “Tico” Perez (Co-Chair)

Camille Evans (Co-Chair)

Mark Arias

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Jimmy Auffant

Thomas Callan

Homer L. Hartage

Wes Hodge

Zach Hoover

Garry Jones

Joe Kilsheimer

Ruthanne Connor King

Jason Mellon

Julio Rocha

Kelly Semrad

Virginia Whittington


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