Stephanie Murphy Addresses DNC

stephanie murphy

Stephanie Murphy addressed the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night as part of the Democratic Women of the House presentation.  The presentation highlighted some of the great female candidates and Congresswomen running in this election.  Murphy gave a strong speech where she talked about her national security background and how Democrats are best positioned to keep America safe.  

“It was a special privilege to speak at the Convention tonight, along with an amazing group of strong women,” Murphy said in a statement.  “The House Democrats are ready to win in November, especially because of the great female candidates they are fielding this year.  It was an honor to speak tonight about my background and how the House Democratic women are the best candidates to keep America safe from threats abroad.”

I’m Stephanie Murphy, and I’m running to represent Florida in the House alongside these remarkable women!  After 9/11, I left a job in the corporate world to become a National Security Specialist for the Secretary of Defense.  Democrats know a stronger America means confronting the threats around the world – without blinking and without undermining our values. Democrats are strengthening our fight against terror by working with our allies, not abandoning them.  Democrats know we need to be strong and smart to destroy ISIS and protect America, not reckless and rash.  Democrats are ensuring our military has the resources they need to do their job…and our military know how to do their job better than anyone else in the world!

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