TGR COMMENTARY: Thank the Black Independents


    By Lucius Gantt

         Calling out around the world, are you ready for a brand new beat? Fall is here and the time seems right for dancing in the street!

         President Donald Trump has been voted out of office. He lost the popular vote. He lost the states needed to win the Electoral College vote. And, he lost the worldwide support he may have thought he had from many world leaders!

         It didn’t surprise me one bit. The people, united, can never be defeated!

         I had zero plans to comment on election results. I am focused on some personal issues, including my efforts to complete and publish my third and final Beast Book, “The Light is the Truth”, a compilation of the most informative and provocative Gantt Report columns released in the tormenting times of the Liar in Chief.

         Anyway, I got so many calls and messages that asked about my take on the 2020 election I felt I had to write something.

         I think Joe Biden and Kamala Harris should be congratulated for their election day victory but time will tell what they will do once The White House is fumigated, cleansed and the snakes, rats and other swamp creatures are removed and sent back to their bed bug ridden Trump Florida hotel cots!

         Biden is eager to mend fences and work together with Republicans. Many members of the GOP may be willing to participate in political Kumbayah but the leader of the U.S. Senate is a Russian puppet too that I believe has interests in Russian aluminum companies operating in  Kentucky.

          So, nothing will change unless the makeup of the Senate changes.

          Georgia Democratic Senate candidates John Ossoff and Raphael Warnock must beat multimillionaire opponents in the upcoming Georgia runoff election.

         Good luck with that using the same highly paid consultants and poorly planned and executed strategies Democrats have always used.

         You see, smart Black voters didn’t go to the polls to merely vote for Democrats. Blacks voted for Kamala Harris and they voted to oust Donald Trump! 

         Don’t become more bamboozled than you already are. It wasn’t so much that Black Democrats got rid of the devil on Pennsylvania Avenue, Joe, Kamala and the damn Democratic Party must acknowledge and respect Black independent voters, millions of them, that cast votes against Republican candidates on all levels.

         The Democratic Party must expand their vendor base. Who can deliver votes is a much more important question than who is in the “loop”, who can Democrats control or what Black politicos can white Democrats manipulate.

         If white consultants think, like they always do, that “any negro” can generate millions of Black votes, influence and motivate Black media to get on board and will understand how wrong the highly paid Bruces and Bubbas are when it comes to political timing, their efforts to change the Senate is doomed to die!

          Hmmm? Warnock spent more than $40 million to get less than 2,000,000 votes. To me, that is not a good “cost per vote” ratio. Other Black Georgia Senate candidates would have clowned Warnock and the Democratic money sucking carpet baggers if they just had a tenth of the cash spent on Warnock.

          Blacks turn out less in runoffs because white consultants don’t have a clue how to get Blacks motivated to vote again.

          Anyway, none of what you’ve read is my issue.

          Trump has been dumped and Kamala is a heartbeat away from being the next President of the United States.

          Black people should feel the same way about Democrats as Democrats feel about you!

    Author Profile

    Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.