VP Joe Biden drops by Chef Eddie’s

    joe biden at chef eddie's
    Vie President Joe Bden sotpped by Chef Eddie's in the Parramore neighborhood of Orlando today to shake hands, take pics and grab a bite to eat. View from the Media Pool.

    Vice President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Orlando’s Parramore neighborhood today, stopping by Chef Eddie’s restaurant on Church Street to take photos and press flesh.

    News about the visit traveled fast and the neighborhood eatery was soon standing roon only.

    “They called me about an hour ahead of time,” said owner Chef Eddie. “About a half hour later the Secret Service showed up and swept the place and then the Vice President showed up. I dinn’t have time to do anything.”

    Chef Eddie said the VP was “very cordial, and took photos with everybody in the building.”

    Asked by one of the repoters if he might name a table after the Vice President, Chef Eddie responded “I don’t know. I’d have to give it some thought, but I might put something on the menu in his name.”

    Chef Eddie


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