7.1 C
New York
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Roger Caldwell


Obama Zeroes in on Treatment of Black and Hispanic Men

"For far too long, for decades, we have a situation where too many communities don’t have a relationship of trust with the police. We’re...

House and Senate Florida Legislators Not Talking To Each Other

There are three weeks left in the 2015 Florida Legislative session, and there appears to be an impasse. The experts are predicting this year...

Obama Turns Diplomatic Eye Toward Caribbean

The tension between the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean countries has not really changed for one hundred years. The Caribbean countries believe...

Scott Fighting Against Online Voter Registration in Florida

There are now 24 states that have online voter registration, and Florida would make 25. There are nearly 75 percent of individuals in the...

Obama Makes A Deal and Iran gets Relief from Sanctions

“Today, after many months of tough, principled diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal. And it is a good deal. It will...

Roger Caldwell
