7.1 C
New York
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Frank Butler

1363 POSTS

Obama speech to conclude Kenya visit

US President Barack Obama is to conclude his visit to Kenya with a televised address at a sports stadium in the capital, Nairobi.

New attack hits north Cameroon

At least 19 people are killed and many others injured in a suicide bombing in Cameroon's northern town of Maroua - the second such attack this week.

VIDEO: Celebrations in Obama’s ancestral home

Despite President Obama not visiting his ancestral home of Kogelo during his Kenya visit there have been celebrations in the village.

Trial run for second Suez Canal

The first cargo ships pass through Egypt's second Suez Canal, as part of a test-run ahead of its official opening.

VIDEO: Obama and Kenyatta differ on gay rights

The US and Kenyan presidents differ sharply in their positions on gay rights at a news conference on the first full day of Mr Obama's visit to Africa.

Frank Butler

1363 POSTS