COMMENTARY: Contagious Trump Returns to White House. Downright Disrespectful.

Photo of Kevin Seraaj, journalist and publisher of the Orlando Advocate
Kevin Seraaj, publisher, Orlando Advocate

by Kevin Seraaj, J.D., M.Div.
Publisher, Orlando Advocate

According to the Centers for Disease Control, “available data indicate that persons with mild to moderate COVID-19 remain infectious no longer than 10 days after symptom onset. Persons with more severe to critical illness or severe immunocompromise likely remain infectious no longer than 20 days after symptom onset.  Recovered persons can continue to shed detectable SARS-CoV-2 RNA in upper respiratory specimens for up to 3 months after illness onset . . . .”

Donald Trump
File photo

Trump announced on Friday that he and Mrs. Trump learned they were infected on Thursday. He was taken to the hospital the same day and his condition was serious enough to warrant treatment with oxygen and dexamethasone, a steroid that can have harmful effects on the immune system and is recommended only for coronavirus patients who are seriously ill. After a weekend stay in the hospital, he returned to the White House Monday, late in the day.

According to the CDC, “For most persons with COVID-19 illness, isolation and precautions can generally be discontinued 10 days after symptom onset1 and resolution of fever for at least 24 hours,. . .”

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Think “most persons” doesn’t include the president? Well, read on: “A limited number of persons with severe illness may produce replication-competent virus beyond 10 days . . .” So it’s either 10 days or more than 10 days. Certainly not 4 days. So the president is still contagious. Back in the White House. How’s that for responsible leadership?

Already, nearly 10 people in his “inner circle” have tested positive for the coronavirus. Now even the Joint Chiefs of Staff are in quarantine because one of them has tested positive. The president seems to be at the epicenter of all these infections– not the soldiers and not the police as he claims. I can’t help but wonder what’s running through the mind of the mother of the child Trump was kissing in one of his political ads.

You would think that anyone concerned with the possibility of becoming infected or infecting someone else with COVID-19 would stay home and away from everyone else for the recommended 10-14 days. But not this president. He constantly puts politics above people.

In a 4-minute speech to the American public, Trump declares himself to be immune and then tells his followers not to to be afraid of catching the virus:

“One thing that’s for certain – don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it,” he said. “We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines. All developed recently. And you’re going to beat it.”

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First, Trump is the one person on the planet who really has access to “the best medical equipment and the best medicines.” But anyone in his listening audience who believes they have access to that same level of care is mistaken at best and deluded at worst.

Second, odds are that if you become infected you WILL beat it. After all, in the United States we have experienced 7,553,392 confirmed cases of infection. Thankfully, 4,905,632 people are confirmed recovered.  So, clearly, most people recover.  But the problem is the 213,462 confirmed deaths– a 2.8% fatality rate. (The deadly Spanish Flu of 1918 had a fatality rate of only 2 percent, don’t forget). The only guarantee against dying from this virus is to not get infected, and staying away from people who are infected is certainly the best way.

Trump knows that. Returning to the White House is a sure way to infect somebody else. Call it insanity. Call it arrogance. Call it insensitivity. Call it “Making America Great Again.” Anyway you look at it, it’s downright disrespectful of other people’s health.

Presidential? I don’t think so. America deserves better. He ought to be charged with felonious assault. #WhiteHouseInfected

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