Does America Have Any Blame for Terror?


Is America’s and other Western country’s imperialist war mongers to blame for the current rise in terrorism? Perhaps they are!

So-called ISIS terrorists rose in stature when the leaders of Western nations began to use ”verbal terrorism” when describing the leaders of Syria and Iraq.

Any leader, foreign or domestic, that disagreed with the goals and ambitions of the puppets of the world’s military industrial complexes was labeled as a despot or a dictator even though many of the citizens of Syria and Iraq were safer twenty years ago than they are now.     After The United States and their “allies” determined that leaders like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, Syria’s Bashar Hafez al-Assad and Libya’s Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi, for instance, were part of an “axis of Evil”, Western news organizations reported the determinations as the honest to God truth.

Government intelligence agencies were tasked with identifying “rebels” who would fight against the above cited leaders, news networks, major newspapers and conservative internet bloggers were told, or ordered, to rubber stamp the evil dictator message and the result was people living in Western nations fell for the dictator propaganda hook, line and sinker!

Are Western government and political leaders perfect, honest and without sin? No. Are Middle Eastern and Eastern political leaders great guys? Not by a long shot.

But guess what, the so-called despots and dictators did a hell of a lot better job of fighting and controlling Islamic terrorists than the United States, the United Kingdom and France are doing today!

Your President, your Congress, your country’s so-called allies and others claim that Al Queda and other terror groups were running rampant in Iraq, for instance, when Saddam was alive according to, not just Fox News, but all news networks here and abroad but the truth of the matter is that Saddam and Al Queda were mortal enemies and Saddam kept the terror group at bay and beat back any attempt for the terrorists to get a strong hold in Iraq.

Syria’s Assad, from day one, insisted that insurgents described as “rebels” by government and media were nothing but terrorists from the start but instead of investigating Assad’s claim, the imperialists suggested any leader in Syria would be better than Assad, not because he was a horrible dictator, but because he was friends with Russians.

The United States had “agreements” with Gaddafi and there are photos of him with people like Condoleezza “Condi” Rice showing somewhat friendly relations. But when the Libyan President suggested that his country and other African countries should only accept payments in gold for their oil and other commodities he quickly became a persona non grata!

Moving forward quickly, after western nations started to bomb those countries and assisted in killing at least two of the country’s leaders, all terrorist hell broke loose!

If the citizens and residents of Muslim country’s don’t want to rise up as a majority and fight to over throw their leaders there is no coalition in the world that can do it!

Instead of being the world’s policemen, America should address its own domestic terrorist problem. They should forcibly dismantle, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, skinheads and other groups in this country that bomb churches, attack military institutions, shoot and kill school children and murder Black teens, men, women and children in broad daylight!

If you get killed by ISIS or some other foreign terrorists or by a klansman masquerading as a law enforcement officer you are still DEAD!

Let the Muslims, outside and inside of the United States, take the frontlines in the battle to subdue and defeat Muslims that are terrorists and all Americans would have no problem joining the battle as long as the battle is righteous, correct and will result in equal rights and justice for all regardless of race, creed, color or religious preference!

Fighting for oil, defense contractors, imaginary despots and fake rebels is not my kind of conflict!  (Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” on and from bookstores everywhere. Contact Lucius at And, if you want to,“Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook.)

Author Profile

Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.