GOP Debate- Uncomfortable Answers with No Substance


In a Fox media world where everything is conservative, the three hosts, Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace, and Bret Baier did their homework, and they were prepared to ask compelling and poignant questions about the candidates’ records. Many of the candidates thought the questions were mean spirited, but they were intense and fair. 

The candidates’ answers were an example of what is wrong with Washington and our elected politicians. Washington politicians are too busy smiling for the cameras rather than having a vision that is inclusive, and addresses all segments, classes, and races of the population. Republicans are stuck in a conservative mind-set, where liberals are the problem, starting with President Obama.

gop_debateAt the debate on Thursday night, the candidates all agreed that America has lost its greatness, and the country is in trouble. They feel that once a Republican is elected to the office of president, they will repeal President Obama’s initiatives, and all the country’s problems will be solved. This kind of thinking makes no sense, but conservatives are stuck, and they think they have all the answers.

Everyone on stage spent the evening telling America how amazing and great they were, but failed to present any concrete solutions facing America. There were no questions or discussions about income inequality, African American concerns, or equal pay for women. No one talked about raising the minimum wage or supporting the Voting Rights Act on its fiftieth anniversary.

Republicans operate with blinders on, and their message is geared toward White America. They tend to forget that the demographics in the country have changed, and the minorities have the numbers to determine the outcome of most elections.

As the Republicans continue to talk, it was clear that Blacks, Hispanics, women, and the poor were excluded from the discussion, and, frankly, they don’t care to address any of their concerns. This was a debate for angry White men who don’t understand that they are the problem. These White men did not show up with a vision for America, but they showed up to take photo-ops and fabricate the truth.

To begin with, the Republican governors tell their constituents that they support small governments, but each year their budgets increase, and their friends receive massive contracts and grants. Many of these no-bid contracts are not fair, but the system is set up to keep the people in charge on top.

When Donald Trump can brag about declaring bankruptcy four times, it would appear that his supporters would question his record and ask should trust him to run our country’s business. But instead of thinking logically, Donald Trump is the front runner because he says he will make America strong and great again. He has given no plan or platform to make America great again, but everyone in the country should trust him even after his investors lost a billion dollars working with his company in 2009.

As Trump made a mockery of the debate by raising his hand and telling America that he may not support the candidate that is chosen by the Republican conference, everyone knew this was a media show. The candidates are only running for office to raise money for their bank accounts. The Republicans will probably raise over 2 billion dollars for the campaign, and with their Super Political Action Committees, the sky is the limit.

It is obvious that the Republican candidates are only looking out for themselves, and this presidential race is only designed to make their bank accounts and pockets fatter. Remember – the Republican debates are only for photo-ops, cracking jokes, and convincing other Republicans that they are more conservative than the opponent standing next to them.


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