Hardrock Cafe Events


    June 14 – Founder’s Day, a global celebration marking the day of the first Hard Rock in 1971.  Staff will be dressed in 1970’s attire and handing out daisy’s to all guests.  All of the following will be only $6.14: Tequila Sunrise, Pop Rock Martini, Harvey Wall Banger, Twisted Mac & Cheese and Legendary Burger

    June 21 – Summer Solstice Terrace Party (7:00-11:30 p.m.), benefiting the Peabody Foundation as they celebrate the Peabody Auditorium’s 100th anniversary.  Features hors d’oeuvres and dancing to the live music of the Winter Park-based Wooly Bushmen.  Admission is $50 per person. Advance reservation required at peabodyfoundation.org.

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