NNPA Joins BMW Boycott

    Dorothy Leavell education policy
    New NNPA Chair Dorothy Leavell presents bold vision for group’s role in U.S. Education
    During the October 19-20th Rainbow/PUSH Coalition Autmotive Summit in Detroit, Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., called for a national boycott of BMW.
    Citing the company’s dismal record on minority hiring, retention, suppliers, dealerships and advertising, the civil rights leader said  BMW has one of the worst records on diversity and inclusion among all major automotive manufacturers.
    The NNPA, a co-sponsor of the Summit, participated in the announcement of the boycott. Our delegation included our President Dr. BenF. Chavis, who cited BMW’s lack of marketing and advertising in Black-owned newspapers, despite significant African American consumer participation. The manufacturer received the lowest ratings in the Summit’s ‘report card’ with Ford Motor Company having the best record of African American participation and opportunity.

    “The National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) joins Rev. Jackson and other national organizations in the boycott of BMW,” said Dorothy R. Leavell, chairman of the NNPA, which represents more than 200 newspapers. “African American consumers spend millions of dollars with a brand that does not see the value in spending dollars with us. Black-owned newspapers receive no advertising dollars from BMW because apparently they have decided to boycott our businesses. I agree, that if we can’t thrive (with BMW) then we won’t drive.”

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