Roland Martin Calls on Black Groups to Lobby for Black Female Nominee for Supreme Court


WASHINGTON, D.C. – MAR. 1, 2016 – Today on News One Now, host and managing editor Roland S. Martin called out several civil rights groups including, NAACP, National Urban League, Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and several Black fraternities and sororities to apply pressure to President Barack Obama to nominate an African-American woman to the Supreme Court. Martin expressed his views in the following quote.

Where are y’all? This is a moment where you have literally less than a year of a Black President in the White House. We’ve had two Black men appointed to the Supreme Court.  The President has appointed a Hispanic woman and a white woman to the Supreme Court. Why won’t these organizations, all of you, publicly call on this President to appoint a Black woman? How hard is it to send a tweet? How hard is it to issue a press release? How hard is it to hold a news conference? If you talk about your leaders in the Black community, this is the time for you to stand up and lead. As Dr. King said, Now is the time.”

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