TGR: Overjoyed

Image of Lucius Gantt
Lucius Gantt is a columnist and commentator on political and social affairs. Contact him at

At the beginning of the Kamala Harris campaign, Black women were full of joy. Some observers described the Harris effort as “the joy campaign”.

Well, news and news pundits report that the growth of the campaign has declined.

At first, the Harris campaign steadily climbed Jacob’s political campaign ladder. The Vice President surpassed President Biden and former President Donald Trump in political polling plus favoritism for Kamala soared.

Well, The Gantt Report told readers exactly what was going to happen months ago, and it happened. The race is close and seems within the margin of error.

The Harris campaign stalled, and the Trump campaign caught up, so to speak.

Oh, Mary, don’t you weep! Kamala can still win if she recovers from Democratic campaign mistakes.

TGR told you bad timing, bad messaging, and outdated political campaign tactics would keep Kamala and her supporters up all night on election day because Kamala and her multi-million-dollar advisers, as always, felt non-white political professionals had no value.

Let me explain. What happened to Kamala’s campaign was Kamala was misled, misinformed and bamboozled when she was advised all she had to do was focus on “the joy” that people felt when President Biden gave Kamala her historic opportunity.

OK, in love, joy is wonderful but in politics, being overjoyed can be a political kill shot! Winners work hard but they also work right!

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Politics and money are parallel. Wherever there is money, politicians will be there to regulate it, appropriate it, and spend it. The people advising Kamala on her campaign will also be the people who will advise her as President if she is blessed with a campaign victory.

White men working on the Harris team make the most money. That doesn’t bother me, but white men have never had a clue about how to generate an extraordinary turnout of Blacks, especially Black men, in nationwide elections.

When I told readers, MAGA Democrats, or white Democratic conservatives, made up a significant number of registered Democrats who would never vote for a Black woman candidate over voting for a white conservative man, people thought Lucius was crazy.

At the time of this writing, news reports say more Black men will vote for Republican men than ever before.

Why? Because Republicans pay Black businesses and Black people, especially Black “influencers” to repost Russian-created talking points that promote Trump and disparage Harris.

Some of my best friends who are columnists are reposting political lies because more people on social media enjoy reading lies more than they enjoy reading the truth.

I’m not mad at my friends. I’ve made money in the past from both political parties, but I’ve never lied to Gantt Report readers.

Younger Black men get their “news” from social media. They don’t read newspapers and don’t watch TV news. They’ll see a fine Black woman or handsome man parroting misinformation and they think the lies are real.

I assume the Harris campaign is also advised by Black Democratic elected officials. A rudimentary check will show that white conservatives, in most cases, also advise the campaigns of other Blacks who run for public office.

That makes me think about “political neo-colonialism”. If you don’t want to hire Black political professionals just get advice from a Black person who will do what white people tell them to do.

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Anyway, where are comparison political ads? Why haven’t Black voters been given information about what both candidates have done or will do for Black people and Black communities?

Don’t tell me, “I heard a Black Kamala ad on the radio”. What you heard was a white ad with a Black voice that would be acceptable to whites.

Time will tell how the election ends up. If Kamala isn’t successful, people will ask and debate why.

My question is, who was paid millions of dollars to advise Kamala how to win decisively?

Lucius will say the same thing “Shaggy” said, “It wasn’t me!”

Author Profile

Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.


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