The Gantt Report – Voting Rights and Wrongs


By Lucius Gantt
     Almost all of the so-called American Negro leaders are suddenly talking about the importance of voting and the need to stop voter suppression.
     Voting is certainly important but you can’t stop voter suppression, voter fraud and inappropriate and racially motivated changes in voting laws by rubber stamping the voting policies of Democrats or Republicans.
     No disrespect to the African Americans being hailed by the imperialist press as vote gurus, but, in my opinion, the people designated by the white media as the people carrying the torch for voting rights are the same people that have wanted us to vote for them and they are the same people that were misled and bamboozled by their highly paid white political consultants.
     I know you don’t like for me to write like this but the above comments are true. Can I prove it? Yes!
     Stacy Abrams and Andrew Gillum, God bless their souls, both raised millions of dollars to fund voting related projects, both ran for Governor in their states and both lost elections.
     They lost elections because the people that advised them were political gold diggers that primarily wanted to get as much money from the two campaigns as they could.
     The two major political parties aren’t seeking to find and support the very best candidates available, the parties are looking for candidates that they can control. 
      The first things that party leaders tell candidates, Black or white, is, “We will raise you money but you have to hire who we tell you to hire”, the candidates can’t wait to “follow” their white leaders.
     Now, don’t get it twisted, good consultants come in all races and creeds. However, you tell me, why in the hell can’t the Black candidates that you love say, I’ll gladly accept the helpful personnel that you are recommending but I want to hire some people that look like me in decision making positions also? 
     If Black candidates can’t hire who they want and need for fear of making political party bosses angry, perhaps African Americans need better Black candidates! Perhaps the Black candidates you love are CONTROLLED by non-Blacks!
     Excuse me for the diversion and background info but back to the point.
    Let’s talk about Black groups that say they do outstanding work in voting.
     Well, SCLC, the NAACP, Ministerial Alliances, Coalitions of Black Churches, Black Greek organizations, Black Lives Matter, Black Voters Matter and others, all celebrate their efforts in increasing voter registration.
      If you don’t know, voter registration and voter delivery are two separate and two different things and both actions are necessary. If Black candidates and their supporters merely want to register voters but ignore the need for voter delivery and getting people to actually go to the polls and cast votes, those candidates will continue to lose and they will continue to refuse to utilize the Black political experts and professionals that can help them win.
      Every state, every county and every city has voters. Only a political perpetrator will tell Black candidates to only campaign in areas where there are large numbers of Black voters.
     Candidates and their supporters have to fight for votes in “enemy territories”! White supremacist and white nationalist candidates are not afraid to campaign for votes in Black churches and at Black colleges so why can’t Black candidates with good ideas and sound political proposals seek votes in predominately white areas, in evangelical churches and in trailer parks?
     They can but they won’t because they are told not to.
     When candidates set up their campaign staffs, the main question they need to ask potential hires is, “Who can deliver?” 
      If you ask most candidates and their consultants who will deliver the votes they need for victory, none of them have a clue.
      If the Black candidates you love, hire the same consultants with the same pitiful political strategies, you will get the same results, heart-breaking losses!
      If the kings and queens of Black voting lose by miniscule numbers in national, statewide and local elections because hundreds of thousands of registered Black voters don’t even try to go to the polls, somethings are wrong!
      Don’t take my word for any of what I’ve written. Ask your favorite candidates how much of the money contributed to their campaigns by Black voters and supporters is spent with qualified Black political professionals, Black media companies, Black printers, Black caterers and so forth? 
     The answer is…..not nearly enough!