Trump signs ObamaCare executive order

Donald Trump

Post inauguration, the assault on ObamaCare becomes official.  President Trump on Friday signed an executive order directing federal agencies to “ease the burden of ObamaCare.”

The order does not direct that any specific action be taken, but it does give the Department of Health and Human Services broad authority to punch holes in the regulatory requirements of ObamaCare.
What that means, practically, is that the Trump team will now grant exemptions from any regulation in the Affordable Care Act that places a financial burden on a state or any person.  Grant enough exemptions and no one will have to purchase insurance.  Take away the penalty for not buying insurance and many people will not buy any.  If no one spends money, the insurance companies won’t insure people for free, and people who can’t afford to pay for insurance will go back to dying for lack of necessary healthcare.
But what the heck– we’re Making America Great Again.  #MAGA
Trump made the repeal of ObamaCare a top priority during his campaign and transition period.  He repeatedly pledged to begin rolling back the law on his first day in the White House.  No one can claim to be surprised by what is beginning to unfold.
The order says that while “it is the policy of my administration to seek the prompt repeal” of ObamaCare, “it is imperative for the executive branch to ensure that the law is being efficiently implemented.”  (My interpretation:  go slow; force too many people back into uninsured status too soon, and the Congress could become Democrat-controlled in 2018.)

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