24.2 C
New York
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Roger Caldwell


Is Florida Corruption the Reason for Redrawing Districts Lines?

The Florida Legislature has had a very demanding year in 2015. The Florida Supreme Court has ordered the Florida Legislature to redraw 8 congressional...

Will the African American Voter in Florida Show up in 2016?

As Governor Scott slashed $461 million in funding from the state budget, many noble projects which would have helped people throughout the state will...

Should America Prohibit the Open Carrying of Firearms in Public?

As America grapples with the murder of 9 Blacks in Charleston, SC, President Obama is sick and tired of the violence with guns in...

The Evil of Mass Incarceration Must Be Addressed by the President

The African American community has been decimated economically, educationally, and socially for the last three decades. There is a 20 to 30 year plan...

Florida Supreme Court Throws Out Congressional Map, Orders Battleground Districts Redrawn

July 9, 2015 Florida's Supreme Court ruled Thursday morning that the state's congressional map was illegally gerrymandered and ordered the Republican-controlled Legislature to redraw...

Roger Caldwell
