Donald Trump: No Transgender People in U.S. Military ‘in Any Capacity’

    transgender service members out
    Trump bans all transgender people from military service "in any capacity"

    President Donald Trump tweeted a few minute ago that his latest epiphany is that transgender people should not be allowed to serve in the U.S. military– “in any capacity.”   This move reverses the policies established by former President Obama. 

    In his tweet, Trump he had come to his decision after consulting with “Generals and military experts,” but when questioned by reporters, the Pentagon issued a statement strongly suggesting it had no part in the policy change:  “We refer all questions about the President’s statements to the White House.  We will continue to work closely with the White House to address the new guidance provided by the Commander-in-Chief on transgender individuals serving in the military.”

    Trump also said that “[o]ur military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military (sic) would entail.”

    transgender military
    Trump unilaterally discharges all transgender people from military

    Donald Trump the candidate called himself a supporter of gays and the LGBTQ community, saying in a televised speech:

    “Ask yourself who is really the friend of women and the LGBTQ community– Donald Trump, with actions, or Hillary Clinton, with her words.  I will tell you who the better friend is, and some day, I believe, that will be proven out big league.”

    It appears that day has arrived.

    As many as 7,000 service members will be immediately impacted by this decision.  The words “in any capacity” suggests they will all be forced to leave the military.  The details of their separation from service are unclear and the costs not yet calculated.  Questions are already being raised about whether or not this newly announced policy will be broadened to include open gay service members, too.

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