NAACP Calls for Investigation Into Air Marshals Targeting of Black Passengers

u.s. air marshal's service

BALTIMORE— The national office of the NAACP and the Charlotte-Mecklenburg branch have called for an investigation into allegations of federal air-marshals’ targeting of African American passengers.

The Fox 46 news affiliate in Charlotte reported that former air-marshal whistleblowers alleged they were “told by a supervisor to target black people when they worked in Orlando because ‘they’re the ones who have warrants’.”

According to the whistleblowers, a formal report was made to ISA officials, but no action was ever taken.

Calling the behavior “sickening and utterly unacceptable,” NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson said the organization would be formally requesting that the Chairman and ranking members of the House Committee on Homeland Security conduct a complete investigation into the allegations.