TGR COMMENTARY: The Whore of Washington


By Lucius Gantt

    There are foxes in the hen house and there are bears in the White House!

     There is trouble in “Chocolate City”. In the eyes of his countrymen, the President has done a remarkable job. 

      I’m talking about Russian President Vladimir Putin. The foreign leader that has an open invitation to talk to Donald Trump and to visit the White House at any time when some long time American allies can’t go to sleep and dream about a White House visit. Trump should give the Russian Bear a bedroom! 

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      Seems like every Republican member of the United States House and Senate is behaving like Putin’s puppets!

      The oaths of office that Republicans took is being ignored and the Constitution that Republicans swore to defend against foreign and domestic threats has been discredited and abandoned.

     Russian cyber operatives manipulated American social media sites to distribute political lies to get Donald Trump elected, then recruited Negroes to assist in Russian voter suppression that resulted in many African Americans not casting ballots and, more importantly, Russia spent whatever amount of money they needed to control the Liar in Chief!

      Nancy Pelosis said all roads led to Putin. The Gantt Report says, not only roads, lying talking points lead to Putin, some illegal and laundered foreign GOP campaign contributions lead to Putin, the demise and dismissal of the original NAFTA, the TPP and the agreement with Iran were all dismantled because Putin wanted Trump to flip on American contracts and agreements.

       Beyonce was “Drunk in Love” but Republicans are drunk with power. 

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Death, destruction, disrespect, distraction and denial in the nation’s capitol is reminiscent of the days of Biblical Babylon where actions of the beast were disgusting.     Babylon appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, including several prophecies and in descriptions of the destruction of Jerusalem and subsequent Babylonian captivity. Consequently, in Jewish tradition, Babylon symbolizes an oppressor against which righteous believers must struggle. In Christianity, Babylon symbolizes worldliness and evil. Prophecies sometimes symbolically link the kings of Babylon with Lucifer.
     The Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible refers to Babylon many centuries after it ceased to be a major political center. The city is personified by the “Whore of Babylon”, riding on a scarlet beast with seven heads and ten horns, and drunk on the blood of the righteous.
      If you are a member of the United States Congress and you can’t look Donald Trump in his eyes, tell your political party and assure your biggest campaign contributors that you appreciate their support but you will honor your oath, defend the Constitution and laws of The United States and vote the way your constituents want you to vote and not the way Russia wants you to vote, you are an enemy of the people, a political disgrace and a traitor to the voters that elected you!
      Republicans are worst than chattel slaves. Some slaves were indeed happy but just as many wanted to rebel, wanted to revolt, wanted to uprise or, at least, run away!
      Republicans don’t want to do what’s right, they don’t want to do what’s fair and they have vowed that they have zero desire to do what the Constitution demands that they do.
      Congress should stop being political punks and go ahead and impeach and remove Trump. If they can’t do it for themselves they should cast impeachment votes for their children and grandchildren.
     A friend once told me there is not a Cracker Barrel in D.C., what you have is a barrel of crackers!

     Who among the nation’s elected officials will stand up to fight the “Whore of Washington” and other government beasts?   

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Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.