The Great Zoo of China


The Great Zoo of China

By Mathew Reilly
Gallery Books
c/o Simon & Schuster
1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020
9781476749556, $28.00,

“The Great Zoo of China” begins with a murder and races along to its final fantastic conclusion. China has made a great discovery and wants the world to know of there finding. It seems they found ancient dragon eggs and they have created living beings. China invites the scientific community to come and view their findings. When the scientist from around the world come they begin to question certain aspects of what they are being shown. China also says they have real live dragons but something is not right about the creatures. The guests are also told these animals are perfectly safe. “The Great Zoo of China” has been compared to “Jurassic Park” and it is very easy to see why shortly into the story, but Reilly takes the reader into his dragon world with a very logical reason for the creatures to exist and characters that are all believable. “The Great Zoo of China” is a thrilling ride that would make a great film

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