Trump Rules


During the Michael Jordon championship runs with the Chicago Bulls in the National Basketball Association many people felt that Jordon could do almost anything he wanted to do.

Of course, Jordon could score and defend with any other players of his time and his exploits on the court resulted in him being universally known as one of the best basketball players in world history.

At the same time, a significant number of basketball fans and sports reporters felt Jordon had some unique assistance when his team began to win championship after championship.

They felt like Michael Jordon would get favor from the basketball officials and referees. Michael Jordon, allegedly, got calls that other players didn’t get and those special calls became known as the “Jordon Rules”!

Well, today, many people feel that the United States President Elect (or President) Donald Trump has “Trump Rules”.

Donald Trump loves to talk about misinformation, leaked information, unsubstantiated information and so-called fake news!

The same Donald Trump talked about, wrote about and posted fake, wrongful and inappropriate information about President Barack Obama’s birth place, his religion and his qualification to serve as President for years.

The same Donald Trump could very well be sharing “fake news” about his financial status, his business relations and his Presidential and governmental conflicts of interest because he refuses to share and release his tax returns. Anybody can release their own tax returns at any time but Trump won’t, saying his returns are being audited. An IRS audit doesn’t prevent a citizen from releasing any tax returns that belong to the citizen.,

Right before Trump’s inauguration the President elect got mad because Congressman John Lewis, (D-Atlanta), suggested Trump was not a legitimate President.

Lewis was not talking about which candidate got the most votes. Lewis was talking about which candidate used criminally acquired information to to disparage his opponent and to support false and “fake” claims about his opponents “crookedness”.

After the Lewis comment, Trump attacked the civil rights and voting icon and wrongfully referred to Congressman Lewis’ District as “crime infested”.

The reaction from Trump was “fake news”! Most of the suburban Atlanta district that Lewis represents is affluent and his constituents are well off but Trump, the king of “fake news” describes every Black neighborhood as crime infested, bad, full of unemployed citizens!

Well, can the Congressman and Commander in Chief kiss and make up?

Can they trust each other and work together?

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I think not! I wouldn’t even try to work with someone that hates the people I represent and attacks the people that risked their lives to support the causes that I believe in.

Ok, how can African Americans work with the king of fake news?

Back in the days of slavery, the “good” slaves that said what master wanted them to say, did what master wanted them to do and acted the way master wanted them to act got more than the other slaves.

The good slave slept on wood floors when other slaves slept on the ground. The good slaves got fewer whippings and beatings. The good slaves worked in the house and not in the field.

There will be no room in The White House, on the Trump Cabinet, in the Trump administration or in the government for Black people that disagree with what Donald Trump or says, or writes, or things that Trump doesn’t like.

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Black will not be the favored race or the favored color in Trump’s America. There might be inappropriate or undesired changes in the way African Americans are treated but only the poor will feel it!

Blacks that have money will be all right because the king of fake news loves money more than he loves his new political title!

No matter what the Trump Rules are the Black rule is the golden rule, “Blacks that have money can make their own rules”! (Buy Gantt’s latest book, “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing” and from bookstores everywhere. Contact Lucius at And, if you want to,“Like” The Gantt Report page on Facebook.)

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Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.