TGR: You Are The One


    On any given day, someone is your community is waiting for something!

     They wait on God to shower them with financial blessings, they wait on Jesus to deliver them a true soul mate, they wait on children to grow up and act their age, they wait on wicked employers to give them the raise and promotion they think they deserve, they wait on law enforcers to give them equal rights and justice and they wait on someone heavenly, or human, to drop down from the skies and become the savior they desire.

     Well, you are the one you’ve been waiting on!

     If you don’t know, your Creator helps those who help themselves.

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     The phrase “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for” has been attributed to a South African college professor.

     Black people across the globe cannot sit back and wait for governments to do the right thing. We can’t expect public, private and other schools to teach us and our children what we need to know.

     We can never waste time waiting for bad men and women to turn into solid, compassionate, caring and honest spouses or good relationship partners.

     All of us need to get up, step up, stand up and speak up!

     The world is full of evil. If you believe in the Christ, you should also believe in the anti-Christ.

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     The Biblical book of Revelations talks about a war in Heaven between Angels, led by Archangel Michael, against the satan’s dragons. The devilish dragons were defeated and cast out of Heaven and thrown down to earth.

      Whenever you open your eyes you can see the devils around you, on your job, at your school and where you shop. You don’t need a microscope or a telescope to even see devils lurking around your place of worship.

      So, how can we progress, how can we rise up and how can we proseper?

      When we get better, our lives get better.

      After suffering a catastrophic injury, oftentimes patients prefer to wait on a therapist to get them better.

     No, no, you have to contribute to your own rehabilitation. You have to change your diet, you have to exercise more and you have to change your mind set about your physical and mental health issues.

     It is the same with your lifestyle.

     You can’t slow up and you can’t give up. Your destiny is your destiny. You have to take care of yourself, your family, your community and your nation.

     Batman and Robin can’t save you. Superman and Wonder Women won’t protect you.

     People of African descent, we have no time to wait. All our lives we have been waiting in vain, waiting for whom?

     Brothers and sisters, take care of your business. You are the one you have been waiting for!

      You are the one you can depend on!

Author Profile

Lucius is a contributing columnist to NNPA newspapers around the nation, and the author of “Beast Too: Dead Man Writing,” available on and from bookstores everywhere.